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Application Engineer (water treatment)  环保技术工程师


1. Provide technical support on membrane separations projects.

2. Provide product test data and reports to fulfill customers'requests.

3. Carry out product evaluation which including new product and competitor analysis.

4. Provide technical consultancy on new application development & trouble shooting.

5. Conduct technologies and product training to Sales Pro.

6. Support marketing initiations such as seminar and exhibition.

7. Coordinate new product development in responsible area.

- 设计污水处理技术方案;

- 设计UF超滤膜、膜生物反应器MBR膜、物料浓缩膜系统技术方案;

- 与环保工程公司、设计院、业主技术交流;

- 现场调试指导;

- 技术支持;

- 中试试验;


1. B.S. or above on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

2. Fluent in oral and written English.

3. Be able to work under pressure.

- 良好的职业操守,职业道德,职业素养;

- 应届毕业生或两年以内工作经验;

- 大专以上学历(环境、化学、生物、机电、自动化、给排水等相关专业);

- 对膜技术(UF、 MBR、NF、RO膜)有经验者优先;

- 良好的人际沟通能力、亲和力;

- 熟悉AutoCAD, Solidwork等软件;


The position compensation will be attractive and negotiable to the right candidate, comprising of a competitive salary supplemented by a performance oriented bonus opportunity and benefits if appropriate.

- 竞争性的薪资待遇、基本工资、出差补贴、项目奖金

- 提供单身宿舍、午餐补贴、通讯补贴

- 待遇是实习3000,入职5000

- 五天工作制,朝九晚五,一般不加班

- 入职后按国家规定缴纳五险一金


Shanghai. 上海、济南、德州


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